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Volume 2, No. 4 - September 2002

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Kashmir News Network outraged at
latest massacre of innocent Hindu temple-goers

The Iraq Strategy: Accelerating the Islamist Confrontation
Editorial Team

While India struggles through its deadlocked confrontation of Islamists assault of Pakistan on Jammu and Kashmir for the last dozen years, September 11, 2001 has brought about a sea change in the US strategy to tackle its own Islamist enemies. The results are not yet in, but there is potential for considerable progress in the US war in a much shorter period of time, relative to India, which has never been able to put an overt or covert strategy in place that works.....More...

The Not-So-Invisible Hand in Kashmir
The infamous incident of American gunboat diplomacy during the 1971 Bangladesh war, with USS Enterprise deployed in the Bay of Bengal as a deterrent on Indian “aggression”, is well known. But it is a relatively lesser known fact that around the same time, the prospect of the complete Balkanisation and collapse of the Pakistani state upset the US so much that a Special Action Group (SAG) was formed by the State Department with the following objectives

Jethmalani Committees, Shabir Shahs and Hurriyats
Subodh Atal, Ph. D.
The latest round of talks between the committee headed by Ram Jethmalani and Islamic separatists of Kashmir valley are again designed to gradually wean the separatist leaders one by one away from the Pakistani stranglehold on thinking in the region. The Indian government had some level of success with Abdul Ghani Lone in earlier backdoor talks with him. Lone had agreed to participate in elections in the state, which are anathema to the Islamic fundamentalism thought exported from Pakistan.....More...


Mr. President, It is time to visit Mishriwalla
Lalit Koul
In the days leading up to January 19, 1990, Islamic terrorists in Kashmir valley engaged in worst kind of ethnic cleansing by killing, raping, maiming and butchering Hindu men, women, children, young and old. The innocent victims fault: they believed in Hindu Way of Life and India. They believed in Indian Tricolor. Most of these victims of ethnic cleansing were Kashmiri Hindus.....More...

HISTORY - The way it should be
Vinod Kumar
What is this "popular understanding of Indian history"? Is it the understanding that during the Mughal rule anyone could go and pull a rope hanging at the palace gate which would ring a bell and the emperor himself would immediately appear in person and render justice.  Sir VS Naipaul has called it "a serf fantasy about the mercy of the master", "the child's idea of history". No doubt, this is an absurd idea of history. To continue such fantasies is not "secular" history; it is "communal" history. It is nothing more than sheer fiction.....More...

Profile of Terrorists and Terrorist Outfits Operating from Pakistan
Though these pages, Kashmir Herald will present profiles of various terrorist organizations and terrorists that are creating havoc in India. In this edition, In this edition, we profile Jamaat ul-Fuqra, a terrorist outfit operating in Pakistan and North America.

Click here to view profiles presented in this edition......






Kashmir Herald is unique in analyzing the news and events in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, and has gained international recognition within the eight months of its existence. It deals with terrorism and ethnic cleansing from a broad international perspective that has become immensely relevant to policy makers after September 11. Building upon its successful launch as an online magazine, a print version is now available. Readers who would like to receive the print version should contact Kashmir Herald Staff at:

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