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Volume 2, No. 5 - October 2002

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Wahi: The Supernatural Basis of Islam
Part I  - The Yogic View of the Quranic Trance
Dr. Koenraad ELST

In discussing Islam, most non-Muslims tend to focus on the negative achievements of Islam, such as Islamic mistreatment of women and unbelievers. However, we should realize that in its essence, Islam is a belief system, a truth claim. The Islamic religion stands or falls with the truth or untruth of two assertions: (1) there is no God but Allah, the Creator of the universe; and (2) Mohammed is the final spokesman of Allah, who through him passed on to mankind a series of messages assembled in the Quran........More...

Suicidal Restraint
Subodh Atal, Ph. D.

Since 1999, a wide variety of initiatives have been taken by the Government of India to bring about an end to the violence in its Jammu and Kashmir state. In spring of that year, PM Vajpayee traveled to Lahore and met with then Pakistani leader Nawaz Sharif. That summit was sabotaged before it even got under way, with then Chief of Army Staff Musharraf orchestrating an invasion of the Kargil heights in India. The Kargil war followed, with India sticking to a self-imposed restraint regarding crossing the LOC.......More...

Indianness and Islam
Vinod Kumar

A Karachi based Pakistani social scientist while visiting India recently, coming across a large hoarding advertising a new serial Draupadi, asked an Indian friend, "Who Draupadi was?"  In a column in Dawn (9 Sept 2002), he wrote the Indian friend was "shocked" by his question. "Hai Rama, what kind of South Asian are you?" she cried in disbelief......More...


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